Matt Knight - Audition Coordinator
David Rogers - Hale Center HS - Honor Band Organizer
December 14, 2024 - Levelland HS
Etudes - Year D
There are no cuts for this audition. We will play all scales and etudes in two rounds. You can not play your second rounds audition until all students have finished the 1st rounds.
1stTrack declaration Form
All students are now tracked for this audition. All 4A students will default to the 4A track as well as all 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A color instruments (Oboe, Bassoon, Alto Clarinet, Contra Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, and Bass Trombone). 1A/2A/3A students will default to the 3A track. If a 1A/2A/3A student chooses to audition on the 4A track, a track declaration form must be turned into the region coordinator before the audition starts. You should be able to print this from from the audition file after you do entries..
All students are now tracked for this audition. All 4A students will default to the 4A track as well as all 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A color instruments (Oboe, Bassoon, Alto Clarinet, Contra Clarinet, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, and Bass Trombone). 1A/2A/3A students will default to the 3A track. If a 1A/2A/3A student chooses to audition on the 4A track, a track declaration form must be turned into the region coordinator before the audition starts. You should be able to print this from from the audition file after you do entries..
track_form.pdf | |
File Size: | 361 kb |
File Type: |
All-Region Honor Band Tryouts
Dear Region 16 Director;
Please be sure all information is complete and accurate. The fee is $14.00 per student entered. Please have checks made out to ATSSB Region 16 upon arriving at Levelland High School.
Region auditions will be held on Saturday, December 9, 2023 at Levelland. Levelland High School is located . A zoomed in map is included in the email. Directors' meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the library and the auditions will begin at 1:00 p.m. or at the conclusion of the meeting.
Please refer to your Prescribed Audition List to ensure your familiarity with the rules and regulations of the REGION audition process, especially concerning percussion.
This is Year “D” for the etudes!
A. Each student shall be given a registration or audition letter.
B. The audition process shall be as follows. Students may take their own copy of the audition music into the audition room or use the books provided. All students will be placed in a holding room with immediate access to the audition room. When auditions are ready to begin, students in the holding room must stop playing, the first student scheduled to audition (with the exception of percussion; see below) will enter the audition room and the next student to audition will sit in a chair or stand (the On Deck Station) outside the audition room. After the first student has auditioned, they will return to the holding room, the second student will enter the audition room, and the third student will occupy the On Deck Station. After 3-5 students have auditioned (this is determined by the total number of auditioning students), all students in the holding room will be allowed a 30-second warm-up. After the first round, the holding room will be given another 30-second warm-up, then the first student scheduled to audition will enter the audition room and the next student to audition will occupy the On Deck Station outside the audition room. After the students finish the second round, they are to leave the audition area and go to the commons (not return to the holding room) and the student in the On Deck Station will enter the audition room and the third students will occupy the On Deck Station. After 3-5 students have auditioned (this is determined by the total number of auditioning students), all students in the holding room will be allowed a 30-second warm-up.
1. Wind instrument students will enter the room one at a time and will perform the required scales and etude excerpts. The only warm-up allowed is the one-breath before the first scale is played; any additional notes played before any other scale or etude will result in a loss of points. All scales shall be performed in the following order: (concert pitch) G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, and chromatic. After each student has performed the scales and the slow etude, they will again enter the room one at a time and in the original order to perform the fast etude. A one-breath is also allowed before the playing of the fast etude. Should a student fail to appear to play the final etude and all others have completed the audition, the student not appearing shall be given a total point value of 0 for the round missed.
2. Percussion students must place all of their percussion audition equipment in the audition room prior to the start of auditions. This will be our second rehearsal room. The first round will be snare drum, the second mallets, and the third timpani. Students may take their sticks and mallets with them to the holding room.
The first 5 students will be allowed in the audition room to warm up STUDENT: If you wish to warm up, you have 30 seconds to do so, timed by the Monitor. After the warm up, all students will leave except the first. When the judges have indicated they are ready, you may play a long roll for no more than five seconds as a warmup, after which you will play the assigned Etude (you may use your own music or the book that is provided). After you have sounded the first note of the etude, you must finish the audition and be scored. Should you experience an instrument malfunction before sounding the first note of the etude, inform the Monitor so you may leave the room to seek repairs - but you must return before the end of the round. After you play, you may leave the room. After 5 have auditioned, the next 5 will be allowed in to warm up. Continue in this manner through the round.
ROUND TWO: MALLETS The first 5 students will be allowed in the audition room to warm up STUDENT: If you wish to warm up, you have 30 seconds to do so, timed by the Monitor. After the warm up, all students will leave except the first. When the judges have indicated they are ready, you may play long roll on the first note of the etude for no more than five seconds as a warmup, after which you will play the assigned Etude (you may use your own music or the book that is provided). After you have sounded the first note of the etude, you must finish the audition and be scored. Should you experience an instrument malfunction before sounding the first note of the etude, inform the Monitor so you may leave the room to seek repairs - but you must return before the end of the round. After you play, you may leave the room. After 5 have auditioned, the next 5 will be allowed in to warm up. Continue in this manner through the round.
ROUND THREE: TIMPANI The first 5 students will be allowed in the audition room to warm up STUDENT: If you wish to warm up, you have 30 seconds to do so, timed by the Monitor. After the warm up, all students will leave except the first. When the judges have indicated they are ready, the Monitor will have released all pedal tension on all drums. You must sound at least one pitch which is audible to the judges as you tune the timpani before proceeding (you may use the sounded pitch to tune one drum then the others using relative pitch or by sounding the pitch for each drum). You will have 30 seconds to tune the timpani (timed by the Monitor). After the tuning process, you must touch each drum from the lowest pitch to the highest pitch to demonstrate to the judges the resulting pitches before beginning the etude. You may play a long roll on the first note of the etude for no more than five seconds as a warmup, after which you will play the assigned etude (you may use your own music or the book that is provided). You may not use any electronic device to retune or change pitches during the performance of the etude. You are required to use only the number of drums indicated for timpani and retune as needed during the audition. After you have sounded the first note of the etude, you must finish the audition and be scored. Should you experience an instrument malfunction before sounding the first note of the etude, inform the Monitor so you may leave the room to seek repairs - but you must return before the end of the round. After you play, you may leave the room. After 5 have auditioned, the next 5 will be allowed in to warm up. Continue in this manner through the round.
C. Should the student experience an instrument malfunction during the playing of the warm-up (or scales for winds), the student may have the instrument checked for mechanical problems and return to the audition room before the end of that round. Once a student sounds the first note of the etude, the student must continue to play and be scored.
Inaudible metronomes are allowed in the audition rooms to set tempos, but may not be used while the etudes or scales are being performed. Should a student fail to appear for the second round (or third round for percussion) and all others have completed the audition, the student not appearing shall be given a point value of 0 for the round missed.
D. No audible electronic communication devices shall be allowed in the audition room.
E. No recorded auditions are allowed at this audition unless you have a Playoff football game conflict.
Results will be posted in the cafeteria and in the director's lounge.
Judging Duties: Please remember that you and your assistants are required to judge or monitor at the auditions.
Concession Stand: The Levelland Band Boosters will run a cash concession stand. Meal items will be available for all. Please tell your students that no drinks or food are allowed outside of the cafeteria area. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE A MEAL DEAL FOR YOUR STUDENTS, PLEASE EMAIL FOR DETAILS!
Percussion Equipment: Levelland High School will have a snare drum, xylophone, Marimba, and timpani for use during the audition. Students who bring their own equipment should unload it in the band hall. The band hall is located on the southwest side of the bus parking lot. It is a brown metal building. You may unload your percussion equipment at the “big” door on the north side of the band hall.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. We look forward to hosting you and your students!
David Rogers
Hale Center High School Band
Cell: 806-336-8817
Matt Knight
Abernathy High School Band
cell: 806-778-6258