Cristal Burse -Tahoka HS - Class A/AA MS Band Organizer
December 7, 2024 - Shallowater MS
There is a new password this year. If you did not get it at the region
meeting, e-mail Matt Knight and they will send it to you.
The scales and etudes for the A-AA all-region are now posted. Your music should be Year D.
Make sure you use the new audition material (etudes and scales)
Make sure you use the new audition material (etudes and scales)
Additional information from the audition host
I (Cristal Burse) will be organizing the A-AA Middle School All-Region Band auditions this year. I hope that we will serve you well in this capacity and that the overall experience is as pleasant and smooth as possible. I trust that the information in this letter will be helpful to you and have also included contact information for various people to help direct any questions or concerns. I wish you and your students the best of luck as you continue to prepare for this year’s auditions.
Here’s what you absolutely need to know regarding…
What Date Day of the Week
Registration Deadline: Saturday
Late Deadline: Saturday
Auditions: Dec 7, 2024 Saturday
What Time
Judges’ Meeting: 10:00 AM
Auditions Begin: 10:30 AM
♪ At least one Director from your district must be a member of both TMEA and ATSSB
♪ Register students through the TMEA Website
♪ Go to “Divisions” -“Band” -“All State” -“Audition Entry Process”
♪ Click “Login as Director” and login using your TMEA member login
♪ Click “View Contests” and scroll down to the appropriate contest
♪ Follow the instructions to enter your students
♪ 1A/2A Directors – choose the “Class A/2A Middle School”option
♪ 3A/4A Directors – choose the “Class AAA Middle School” option
♪ **Percussion 1 = Snare Percussion 2 = Mallets
Do not use the “PERCUSSION” option– choose 1 or 2!!!
♪ You must have at least one student entered online by November ??th in order to have any students try out.
Schedule conflicts:
Directors with students who will be arriving late due to a school-related engagement (tournament, UIL events, etc.) must contact Matt Knight before December 4th. Arrangements can be made to record students prior to the audition date in extenuating circumstances. Any student who shows up after 2:00 pm on the audition day may not be allowed to tryout.
Judges and Judging Panels:
If students from your school will be auditioning, you and every band director in your district are required to attend and be available to judge. Any exceptions to this rule must be cleared through Matt Knight and an appropriate and qualified proxy provided.
Email Matt Knight with your judging preferences when you receive this letter and those of any other directors in your district.
If you have not already done so, you can download and/or print the music from the region website: Please contact me if you do not have the current password.
The Audition will consist of 1 scale, Chromatic Scale and 1 cut from each etude.
The scale and etude cuts will be decided by the Region 16 Executive Committee and announced the Wednesday (by 7:00 pm) before the audition. The chromatic will, of course, also be required.
On a side note…
Please screen your students before contest day. If a student cannot play the
scales and etudes from beginning to end without falling apart or missing
most of the notes and rhythms, please leave them at home. It is not fair or
humane to make the judges sit through hours of butchered etudes and scales.
Audition Music, David Rodgers
[email protected]
(806) 336-8817
Online Entry, Scheduling Conflicts Matt Knight
[email protected]
(806) 298-2563 x258
Audition Site, Directions, Parking, Marcus Oliver
Concession [email protected]
(806) 445-4667
See you soon,